Funeral pyre

The words for the Ronovan Writes weekly haiku prompt are inspire and loss.

the word inspire
I breath in, out, sorrow, loss
sister expired

The photo is of my maternal grandfather, my father, my sister with her back to the camera and a “shirt-tail” cousin. My cousin Katy who is not a blood cousin but is still family, and who is named after my maternal grandmother. From about 1967 or 8, I think.

6 thoughts on “Funeral pyre

  1. Aw. Your haiku is a beautiful expression of pain. Love the picture.

  2. […] KO of KO Rural Mad As Hell Blog: Funeral Pyre. Love the photo here. A glimpse into the historical familial past of the good doctor. Her […]

  3. macmsue says:

    What a lovely expression, “a shirt-tail cousin”.

    • drkottaway says:

      I think it’s from Walt Kelly’s Pogo comic, but it might be from my mother….

    • drkottaway says:

      I always like Rabbit’s “friends and relations” run all together as one phrase, in the original Winnie-ther-Pooh, too.

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