Where to relax

I think this is a pinon jay. I took this up on the Colorado National Monument on Saturday. I was pretty blind in the sun, but got the shot, after I cropped it. That’s a new bird to me: here.

There were tons of junipers in the Monument and some pinon pines. The junipers look like the winters might be a bit hard, with amazing twisted trunks.

They are happily producing berries anyhow and look way healthier than the ones in town.

The pinon pines and the junipers appear to be the local armchairs for the pinon jays. There was a pair flirting, too.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: armchair.


I took this zoom shot of Independence Monument in the Colorado National Monument. I was pretty much blind, but I’ve spend so much time photographing in sunlight on the beach, that I am happy with the composition. I had no idea that I captured the climbers until I looked at it at home.

This is without any zoom.

Zooming closer.

And later along the canyon, we saw the first climber on top. They are both there, but I was shooting blind again.

What an amazing and fabulous day.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: off-beat.

Wild flower

My daughter and her friend R came out on Saturday and we went up on the Colorado National Monument for Mother’s Day. There is not much blooming yet, but this lone flower is out. It was gorgeous most of the day until we got back. Right as we came in, rain and hail. It is wild here!

For Cee’s Flower of the Day.

Northern lights

Walt Kelly wrote this poem, which I love.

Northern lights

Oh, roar a roar for Nora,
Nora Alice in the night,
For she has seen Aurora
Borealis burning bright.

A furore for our Nora!
And applaud Aurora seen!
Where, throughout the Summer, has
Our Borealis been?


A friend named her daughter Nora and I sent her a copy. I especially love the word furore, because it doesn’t rhyme , even though it seems like it should.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: aurora.

Elwha is still missing and I did not see the aurora, though tons of friends have posted pictures. This shot of Elwha is from January. I wonder if he saw the lights in the sky?

Mother and father

This is a photograph from 1963ish, both of my parents and me in the front of the canoe. This is at my maternal family’s “shacks on a lake”. Cabins, but no electricity. We filter the lake water now but we did not while I was growing up. My parents look way too young to me in this photograph. I still miss them!

I do not know who took the photograph. My grandparents?

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: mother.

And the wookie?

Our Sunrise Rotary of Port Townsend is selling tickets for the Running of the Balls, 2000 numbered golf balls to roll down Monroe Street before the Rhody Parade on May 18. This is from a few weeks ago. We even had a wookie helping.

Aren’t you jealous?

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: funky.


I am working in Grand Junction, Colorado. There are not as many leaves here as at home, but the leaves are still hiding my cat! I am mad at the leaves and sad. Elwha is still missing and it’s been a week. I have had food and the carrier out for him, put up posters on Facebook, contacted the shelters and vets, and searched and searched.

The carrier failed and the door popped off when I put it down. Elwha ran. Sol Duc was still in it, so I put the door back on as fast as I could! Then I left the carrier and went after Elwha, but could not find him. I kept going out and searching, including at 2 am.

Maybe he will show up at home. It’s only 1215 miles by car.

We had another cat who disappeared and we thought was gone. The hardware store called us a month later and said, “We have your cat.” She was thinner and scared to go outside. Elwha only goes out in carrier or with leash and harness. There are prairie dogs and a canal with low trees and bushes behind the building here. I don’t think he’s there, but I am still putting food out. There is another stray tiger who now comes out to study me from a distance.

Anyhow, I wish the leaves would send him back.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: leaves.